Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Setting

The main setting, though there is more than one, of the arsenic bacterium controversy is Mono Lake in California; where the bulk of the initial research was conducted. 

Ellis, Richard E. "Mono-lake-tufa-1981-003". 2/6/2016 via wikipedia.
Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Mono Lake is home to a myriad of species of aquatic life and birds. In addition, its extremely salty waters allow for bacterium and algae to grow unbridled. It is a lake much like all other lakes, except it has large rock formations poking out from under the surface of the water. 

Because the water has such a high concentration of salt, the smell of salt takes over ones sense of smell upon approaching the lake; similar to the experience of arriving at the ocean. 

Most of the activities at Mono Lake are research centered and revolve around biological studies. In addition, they offer activities in which participants of all ages can help to restore and preserve the nature that is present at the lake. These activities include planting trees and picking up trash. 

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