Friday, May 6, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Here is a link to my rough cut of my video essay for the final project.

Key Information

To anyone who peer reviews my rough cut, I would like you to take into consideration the fact that this was filmed in my dorm room on my webcam, but I don't consider the setting to have much to do with the overall message of my video essay. If the setting is too terrible please do let me know, otherwise I plan to keep it the same.


I think that my video essay is relatively boring as it is just me sitting in front of my webcam. Hopefully that isn't too big of a deal since I took the assignment as sort of an informal self-reflection for my peers and for Bottai. If anyone has any suggestions to make it more interesting or engaging please let me know!


I think that my video essay is pretty well organized. I stuck with a sort of typical essay format and made it into a less formal version to coincide with the conventions of a video essay. Hopefully I also was able to fulfill the content requirements for this project as well.

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