Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review for David Klebosky

This post details the peer review comment I left on David Klebosky's final project production report 14b. For this review, I chose to make a copy-editing suggestion.


I hope I helped David with my very limited suggestion. His work was very well put together so far so I didn't have much to say as far as editing goes. I suggested that he elaborate at least once on the abbreviation "QRG" so that his readers will have an idea of what he is talking about if they are unfamiliar. I think explanations like these are typical for standard college essays and that this change would help his draft better fit the bill of following all of the conventions.

Course Incorporation

Since this suggestion almost falls under the category of a genre convention, that is how I incorporated information from the course in my peer review. A large focus for the majority of the semester was staying within genre conventions.


For me, it is hard to incorporate my personal voice into my essays. I think it has to do with me wanting to stay professional and formal in essay writing. David, however, seems to have no problem telling personal experiences in his writing and it works really well, especially for this project. His wording is not too informal, however, so it still seems more professional than the other genres would require.

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