Sunday, May 1, 2016

Content Outline

This post outlines the content that I plan to use to produce for my video essay course final.

Opening Section

  • Introduction to video: introduce self in a way that implies it is a vlog
  • Introduction music or sound effect
  • Throughout this course and the entirety of my first year of college, I have been presented with new, sometimes uncomfortable or unfamiliar, opportunities and situations.
  • Thesis: These situations presented themselves in a myriad of ways, but the most prevalent changes I noticed were in my time management, research skills, and adapting to unfamiliar situations. 
Body Section 1
  • Main idea: adapting to unfamiliar situations
  • Evidence 1: college itself is an unfamiliar situation, full of more unfamiliar situations that every student is required to adapt to
  • Everyone responds differently to changes, and our adaptations are how we grow as individuals
  • Evidence 2: this course required working within four genres, of which I was familiar and comfortable with only one
  • This wasn't something I would choose to do on my own, but since the course required it I had to
  • Each genre was difficult to get used to at first, but became sort of second nature as I continued to work on it
  • This shows how taking on things that are outside your comfort zone is beneficial, because it grows your repertoire for the future and makes you more well-rounded
Body Section 2
  • Main idea: research skills
  • Evidence 1: throughout the course, we were asked to create works that required extensive research, and a lot of the means we obtained our information in this course were ways that I have never used before
  • This included conducting interviews and finding information online in non-traditional ways (Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Evidence 2: this is helpful
  • First of all I had never conducted an interview like these before so this was helpful in making me prepare questions and take control on a project
  • Also made me a more well-rounded author in terms of credibility by giving me the ability to cite more sources than normal
Body Section 3
  • Main idea: time management
  • Evidence 1: this course required a lot more time outside of class than I was expecting
  • Longer weekly assignments are something that I am both unfamiliar with and made uncomfortable by
  • Initially it was hard to stay on top of things and I was waiting until the last minute and freaking out
  • Evidence: as time went on, I got used to meeting long weekly deadlines
  • I was able to develop a sort of system that enabled me to not stress so much
  • I got used to the amount of time it took me for each type of post and to managing other classes work around these deadlines
  • Ultimately it sucked having long weekly assignments but it was sort of beneficial in the long run because I was able to become more comfortable with them as the semester progressed
Closing Section
  • Overall, the course was fun and pretty beneficial because I was taken out of my comfort zone a lot
  • If I didn't know before, then now I know that going out of my comfort zone is actually good for me even though it sucks in the moment
  • This is overall significant in my life because this concept can be applied everywhere and should be

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