Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14a

This post details the changes I have made from my content outline to my script for my video essay. The section in question is my opening section.

Outline Item

Opening Section

  • Introduction to video: introduce self in a way that implies it is a vlog
  • Introduction music or sound effect
  • Throughout this course and the entirety of my first year of college, I have been presented with new, sometimes uncomfortable or unfamiliar, opportunities and situations.
  • Thesis: These situations presented themselves in a myriad of ways, but the most prevalent changes I noticed were in my time management, research skills, and adapting to unfamiliar situations. 

Adaptation of Outline Item

Hey everyone, it’s Avalon and I’m back again to talk about my experiences as a student in Honors English 109H at the University of Arizona. Throughout this course and the entirety of my first year of college, I have been presented with new, sometimes uncomfortable or unfamiliar opportunities and situations. These situations presented themselves in a myriad of ways, but the most prevalent changes I noticed were in response to being forced to adapt to new situations. These responses can be seen in my research skills and my time management.

Audience Questions

In this instance, I translated the opening section of my content outline into a combination of a typical introduction paragraph in a standard college essay and a vlog introduction. In my opinion, this perfectly reflects the form of a video essay.

I used the content of my opening section to set up the stage for what my video essay is going to be about. Since I am taking a more informal route and making it into a vlog, I chose to represent the content with a more personal tone. 

Honestly I started way too late on the script of my video essay so timing was a minor hiccup in terms of deadlines, but other than that everything was very smooth sailing on the production of this step in the process. 

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