Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

This post highlights the changes I have made in my first body section from my content outline to my script.

Outline Item

Body Section 1
  • Main idea: adapting to unfamiliar situations
  • Evidence 1: college itself is an unfamiliar situation, full of more unfamiliar situations that every student is required to adapt to
  • Everyone responds differently to changes, and our adaptations are how we grow as individuals
  • Evidence 2: this course required working within four genres, of which I was familiar and comfortable with only one
  • This wasn't something I would choose to do on my own, but since the course required it I had to
  • Each genre was difficult to get used to at first, but became sort of second nature as I continued to work on it
  • This shows how taking on things that are outside your comfort zone is beneficial, because it grows your repertoire for the future and makes you more well-rounded

Adaptation of Outline Item

Because this course required working within four genres, three of which were unfamiliar to me, I was essentially forced to adapt nearly on a weekly basis to the unknown. More generally, all of college so far has been one giant adaptation. Sometimes changes prove to be beneficial almost immediately, like joining a new club or sport and making new friends. On the other hand, I have found that it may take time for the light to be found at the end of the tunnel when it comes to stepping out of my comfort zone.

If I have learned anything over the course of the semester and especially in this course, it is that everyone gets to choose how they respond to change, and our responses our what shape our growth and learning. If we choose to reject change and stray away from uncomfortable situations, we will never move forward and grow. Additionally, I enjoy being a well-rounded person and the incorporation of so many new concepts and genres throughout the entirety of this course proved to be beneficial in so many ways to my personal growth as an author and a student.

Audience Questions

As with the previous post, I am using the form of a video essay presented in a vlog-like manner to reflect on this semester and this course. I plan on filming this on my laptop and using the conventions of a vlog to display my information in a semi-informal way.

The production of this section was a little rocky and I can foresee a lot of editing going into this one. However, I am not extremely worried because I think that the elegance of my words matters much less in this project than does the actual content of the reflection.

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