Sunday, March 6, 2016

Content Outline

The following is an outline that details the blueprint of my podcast for project 2.

1)   Opening Section
a.     Sound affect/theme song to engage listeners
i. create and utilize a catchy name for the podcast
b.     Introduce myself and “guest speakers”
i.      use appropriate titles and introduce fields of study
c.      give thesis of project
d.     subject matters because it is relevant to many college students, namely those in science-based fields, gives the appropriate audience an idea of what to expect in the future in terms of writing and being aware of rhetorical situations and strategies
2)   Body #1
a.     analyze Ali’s and one of Jerzy’s articles to show the use of rhetoric in scientific writings
b.     evidence 1: the use of logos (statistics, methods section, data, leaves out fluff words)
i.       proves that the audience is a science-based community
ii.     is important because it shows that authors of scientific texts are aware of the rhetorical situation surrounding their works, even if subconcioiusly
c.      evidence 2: the use of figures to illustrate the findings of the study
i.       put in the very beginning of the paper, the figures prove that the inclination of the intended audience is to want to see factual information displayed in the most convenient manner possible
ii.     important because the author is aware of the audience and the best way to engage the readers’ interest
3)   Body #2
a.     utilize the interview with Ali to illustrate the rhetorical strategies of an author of a scientific article
b.     evidence 1: eliminating ethos completely as a conscious rhetorical strategy
i.       proves that author is aware of genre conventions within the field of science, that emotion and bias should be completely removed
ii.     important because it shows that rhetoric is present everywhere, and also that genres are often strict in their conventions and authors need to be aware and respect the rules within their disciplines
c.      evidence 2: using logos as a way to establish author credibility with a science-based audience
i.       proves that as authors follow rules of science, logic, and of genre conventions repeatedly, their credibility as an author increases out of respect
ii.     important because there is a community aspect to the publishing worlds of certain, largely non-competitive, specialties in which as people value respect, honesty and clarity more than most fields
4)   Body #3
a.     examine the interview with Dr. Rozenblit to understand the precision required to produce well developed articles and presentations
b.     evidence 1: understanding and writing to the level of the audience is key
i.       this proves that audience is a significant factor in making or breaking the success of a text
ii.     this is important because it forces authors in all fields to put themselves in the shoes of their audience to better present information in a manner that is clear and relevant
c.      evidence 2: it takes time to fully grasp the best techniques when authoring a text
i.       this proves that there is a significant amount to consider in terms of the appropriate forms and potencies of rhetorical strategies and rhetorical situations
ii.     this is significant because it is assumed that writing things when the topic is well understood is easy or does not require a lot of time or creativity, but in reality it is an art that requires a sufficient amount of practice and adherence to specific criteria
5)   Closing Section
a.     after analyzing all the evidence, a lot of things have been cleared up about the types of writings conducted in the fields of science
b.     to explain larger significance, for me, as well as any other aspiring scientists and doctors, it will become necessary to produce scientific texts of our own in the near future and this analysis aids in understanding fully what is being asked of us as authors
c.      additionally, awards relevance to the course itself, as a main focus is the rhetorical situations and strategies surrounding and within texts

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