Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Project 2

This post reflects on the production and post-production weeks of project two, and the development of my podcast segment.


This week's process work went way better than anticipated. As usual, I waited until the weekend to begin the week's work, and I knew I had quite a bit of interview digging to do. While I had planned to spend hours listening to my recorded interviews, it ended up only taking an hour total to locate quotes and to incorporate them into my podcast.

Additionally, I have found throughout this project that GarageBand is super easy to use, and that the recording materials that come with a MacBook Pro are pretty bitchin' on their own. Also, I don't hate my final product which is cool.


At one point my GarageBand app crashed towards the end of my editing process. Fortunately, it hadn't been too long since my last save, and I only needed to re-record one section of the segment. Other than that, things were smooth sailing in my editing process. I even got an early peer review to assist me in my finalizing process.


I have come to learn that post-production weeks are usually the least stressful, so going into next week I am a little nervous. I am excited to write an essay, though, and I find the essay brainstorming and planning processes to be relatively easy.


I am feeling pretty darn good about this project overall. I think my podcast came out way better than expected initially. I think I took into consideration my audience, form, and content way more this project than I did in the last, which I think helped my overall podcast. I feel like I put more work into this project than the last and I am hoping that it will all pay off.

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