Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 2

This post highlights similar changes made to the genre conventions, namely the sound effects, of my podcast segment. The rough cut of my podcast can be found here, and the final can be found here.

Selection From Rough Cut

In my rough cut, at all times (0:00-4:33) there are no sounds or music heard. Fortunately for my audience, that is something I changed for my final project.

Selection From Final

Throughout the entirety of my final podcast, there is background music that brightens the mood of the segment dramatically. Additionally, this increases the complexity of the podcast, and will likely increase listener interest.

Audience Questions

The content of the podcast did not change when I added the background music, but the form changed dramatically. In incorporating background tunes into my project, I am including an important genre convention that is germane to podcast segments. Sound effects enhance the entertainment factor of a strictly-audio composition, and similarly increase the project's adherence to the preferred form regulations for this course.

1 comment:

  1. Your content is all there, but your podcast isn't very interesting to listen to. You should try to get some sound effects and background music into it. I understand that its just your rough copy and your probably planning to anyways. Your tone of voice remains the same throughout the podcast which causes me to sort of zone out. Lots of information passes through my skull because the sounds are being broken up into easily digestible segments.
