Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 11a

This post shows the transformation of my opening section from my content outline to my rough cut.

Outline Item
  1. Intro with attention grabbing stats about number of people in prisons/cost of incarceration
  2. Shift into thesis statement, how can we solve this problem? Drug decriminalization lowers number of prisoners, amongst other things
  3. Thesis- expensive prisons and lots of lives being ruined by petty drug crimes are the problem, decriminalization is the solution

Adaptation of Outline Item

According to the 2016 Mass Incarceration consensus, one in five people in prison are incarcerated for drug related charges (Wagner). In economic terms, 20% of taxpayer money used to fund federal, state, and local prisons is being spent on the maintaining the incarceration of people who are likely drug addicts or small-scale users. Studies show that there are four times as many arrests for drug possession than there are for drug distribution (Wagner). One would assume with the legalization of marijuana around the United States that the main targets of drug busts are hard, dangerous and lethal substances on large-scales, but half of drug busts in recent years have been for possession of small amounts of pot (Marijuana). Obviously the current system is corrupt, but the best solution to the war on drugs has yet to be explored. Drug decriminalization not only decreases the number of prisoners incarcerated, but also increases federal revenue, saves taxpayer money, and treats drug addiction as a medical condition instead of a crime. 

Audience Questions

I chose to use a conventional structured introduction paragraph outline to design my opening section. This adaptation of form is not very creative, because the genre as a whole does not provide a ton of creative freedom except in the form of syntax, rhetoric and diction. Because I already had my sources outlined from last week, production was easier in terms of finding information to incorporate. Overall, I think that production week went well in terms of being able to have a nice flow when writing the rough cut.

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