Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 11b

This post demonstrates the transformation of my first body section from the content outline to the rough cut. I apologize in advance for my longish excerpt from my essay.

Outline Item
  1. Topic- decriminalization means help for addicts
  2. Evidence 1- instead of court, fines, prison and a criminal record, drug addicts get rehab, mental health facilities, and therapist help
  3. Important because friends and family are affected, prison has significant detrimental effects on peoples's lives
  4. Proves that there is hope for addicts, would improve quality of life for a lot of Americans
  5. Evidence 2- police interaction in drug affairs would become largely seeking help for addicts
  6. Proves that police are there to help public
  7. Important because it would improve citizen-police relations and perhaps limit police violence or anti-police groups

Adaptation of Outline Item

In contemporary society, it is uncommon to encounter someone who is not directly affected by drug addiction, whether it be first hand or through a family member or friend. As if addiction alone is not devastating enough, the incarceration process is excessively tolling on the mentalities of families. Court dates, fines, probation, ankle braces and house arrests plague the lives of convicted drug users, and nearly all chance of having a normal, successful life deteriorates. From a decriminalization standpoint, the discovery of drug possession or other related crimes by law enforcement officials would instead result in the rehab and psychiatric help that is much needed.  As a result of this, and in addition to the fiscal benefits, second chances would be given to people who have made mistakes, which encourages future societal and political involvement. Additionally, police interaction with drug users would become less revolved around fear, violence, and arrests. This would result in improved civilian-cop relations, which would likely improve overall relations and release tensions between the people and their government. Furthermore, improved relations have the potential to decrease police violence and could also serve as a starting point for reemploying the police department as a protective force rather than an unwanted opposition to citizens.

Audience Questions

For the first body section of my project, I used form by adapting the organization of my content to fit into a structured standard college essay. This is seen in the introduce, explain, describe pattern that is prevalent throughout my essay. The production for this body paragraph went well, but I would still like to find more sources and external information to incorporate to provide more information and increase credibility.

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