Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection on Production

This post highlights the highs and lows of production week.


This week I was able to use last week's hard work to produce a relatively pain-free essay in a relatively small amount of time. I think that counts as a success because I was able to use my past self's work to make this weekend easier on myself.


Unfortunately, I had a super rough weekend so I wasn't able to start production until later Sunday afternoon. Because of this, there was unnecessary stress surrounding the production of my project, but I am happy to be done!


I know that my essay still has a lot of work before it is up to par with what I usually produce, but I am not worried about completing a solid project by this time next week. Thankfully next weekend will not be as crazy so I will have lots of time for editing and revisiting.


Overall, project three has required the least amount of work for me so far. In general, this scares me because I know it is worth the most out of all of the three projects. I am happy that I chose an essay, however, because I am much more confident in my ability to get my point across in a genre that I am familiar with.

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